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scotch222 edited this page Aug 10, 2017 · 11 revisions

images/s&p_global_market_intelligence.jpg S&P Global Market Intelligence

Public Sandbox Description

Accelerate your potential and innovate with diverse data sets.

S&P Global Market Intelligence, a division of S&P Global (NYSE: SPGI) is a leading provider of financial and industry data, research, news and analytics to investment professionals, government agencies, corporations, and universities worldwide. Additionally, we have been proud data partners to a number of FinTech Sandbox startups.

S&P Global Market Intelligence integrates news, comprehensive market and sector-specific data and analytics into a variety of tools to help track performance, generate alpha, identify investment ideas, understand competitive and industry dynamics, perform valuation and assess credit risk.

Let us help you reach your goals. The following data sets are available and can be customized to your specific needs:


Contact Details
Social Media

Sandbox Member:

  • Data Provider Since: { provider_start_date }

Contact Information

Profile Name Role Email Address LinkedIn Twitter Slack Skills
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Available products

Fundamental Data

S&P Global Market Intelligence offers two industry-leading sets of Point-in-Time and Restated fundamental data to suit a broad spectrum of rigorous investment, research and analytical needs. S&P Capital IQ Fundamentals are transparent, standardized and integrated into our desktop analytics, as well as being available in a feed. With over 99% of the global market capitalization covered, this database provides robust global coverage for more detailed analysis. Compustat offers the world’s first complete North American back-testing database, helping you extend the scope of your historical analysis and back-testing models with annual and quarterly data with preliminary as well as final source updates.

Capital Structure

Capital structure data is available on the S&P Capital IQ platform for over 80,000 public and private companies worldwide with over 20 distinct class-level data items, including security type, par value, par value currency, shares outstanding, authorized shares, voting rights and convertibility. Distinct data points are sourced from press releases, company websites, global stock exchanges, and direct feeds from SEC, SEDAR, ASX and RNS.

News & Key Developments

In today’s 24/7 markets, S&P Global Market Intelligence delivers the information you need fast, and the tools to focus on what matters to you most. Get targeted breaking news from respected sources around the world, helping you anticipate where the market may move next. Access coverage of over 600,000 public and private companies around the world and over 30,000 news stories delivered daily. Go further in depth with our key developments data set to analyze and anticipate the impact of news on market prices with news analysis, filtering and alerts on significant news and corporate event data.

Professionals Data

S&P Global Market Intelligence profiles over one million professionals with board/company relationships, as well as investment coverage, prior boards/company affiliations, and charitable trust affiliations. Data includes biographies, job functions, titles, education, compensation and options holdings. This data is fully integrated so that any one person appears only once and is linked to all of the companies for whom the person works or has worked, and to all boards on which the person sits or has sat. S&P Global Market Intelligence also collects full committee memberships for all companies as available (e.g., Audit Committee, Nominating Committee, Compensation Committee).

Reference Data & Classifications

Blend together our suite of products to efficiently cross link and merge datasets through a common identifier. We have the ability to bring real time solutions to these datasets and give our customers the advantage of using them in place of maintaining your own entity master file. As companies evolve, all of these changes are updated within the products. Create a clearer picture of concentration, market exposure and risk by tapping into our extensive linking capabilities for securities, issuers and entities. From cross-referencing capabilities, terms & conditions, corporate actions and more, we provide extensive global data solutions that span asset classes and markets.


S&P Global Market Intelligence offers full ownership coverage of over 45,000 current public and private companies tied to 34,500 investment firms, 42,838 mutual funds, and 280,000 insiders/individual owners, with history back to 2004. In addition, the data set includes insider holdings/trading and short sellers’ interest, as well as additional analytics such as investor type and investor style. The dataset also describes activist investors, with history for 20-30 of the most active organizations in the space.


S&P Global Market Intelligence offers detailed and consensus global estimates data, bolstering our internationally respected fundamental research and analytics offering. S&P Capital IQ detailed estimates include over 55 data measures, including EPS, revenue, net income, EBITDA, and EBT. With S&P Capital IQ Estimates, you can easily view the mean and consensus breakdowns, and audit contributors with seamless links to source documents. S&P Capital IQ Estimates cover 18,000 active companies from more than 670 estimates contributors, and feature in-depth historical coverage for 40,000 active and inactive firms.


S&P Global Market Intelligence provides detailed information on M&A and financing transactions covering the most active markets in the world. We track all publicly announced mergers, acquisitions, private placements, public offerings, shelf registrations, equity buybacks and bankruptcies. The transaction data is updated daily from various sources such as regulatory filings, company websites, newsletters, trade publications, and press releases.

Business Model Specs:

  • Cost or Licensing Structures: { product1_costs }

Technical Specs:

  • Delivery Method: { product1_delivery_method }
  • Update Frequency: { product1_update_frequency }

Marketing Materials (list of pdfs or files that have been uploaded to the wiki)

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Technical Documents (list of pdfs or files that have been uploaded to the wiki)

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S&P Capital IQ is an industry-leading provider for financial data and research. The company has a global coverage for both public and private markets, supplying fundamentals and market data tailored for clients. Either real-time or end-of-day data can be retrieved for equities, fixed income, derivatives and credit products. A list of packages suitable for portfolio managers can be viewed here.

Types of Featured Databases:

  • Real-time quotes available for both intraday and end-of-day:
    • Pricing of equities, FX, fixed income, ETFs, mutual funds, credit, commodities and derivatives.
    • Macroeconomic data and corporate events.
  • Fundamentals, estimates & recommendations:
    • Consensus estimates for financial statements.
    • Event transcripts, financing deal or transaction details.
    • Analyst recommendations can be viewed for individual stocks.
  • Rating feeds:
    • Access to S&P and Moody's ratings.
    • Historical data for global issuers and structured finance data is available since 1922; public finance data dates back to 2008.

Data Access:

  • Single API available in C++, C# and Java.
  • Web-based access and Excel Plug-In.
  • Data consumption over multicast, TCP/IP and IPC.
  • S&P Capital IQ has software solutions such as Quantfeed and ConsolidatedFEED. More details can be viewed from here.

Data Formats:

  • JSON format is supported by S&P Capital IQ.


Data Providers

Sandbox Participants


  • Data Agreement
  • Product Development Pipeline
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